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Lat. In the civil law.
The formal complaint or claim of a plaintiff before the praptor. In old English law. A count or declaration in a real action, (narratio.) Bract, lib. 4, tr. 2, c 2; Fleta, lib. 4, c 7; Du Cange. Intentio essea mala. A blind or obscure meaning is bad or ineffectual. 2 Bulst 179. Said of a testator’s intention. Intentio inservire debet legibns, non o les;es intentioni. The intention [of a party! ought to be subservient to [or in accordance with] the laws, not the laws to the intention. Co. Litt 314a, 314b.
Intentio mea Imponit nomen operi meo. Hob. 123. My intent gives a name to my act

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