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(A) This term is frequently confounded, particularly in the old books, with corporation. The distinction between them is this, that by incorporation is understood the act by which a corporation is created; by corporation is meant the body thus created. Vide Corporation. (B) civil law. The union of one domain to another.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

1. The act or process of forming or creating a corporation; the formation of a legal or political body, with the quality of perpetual existence and succession, unless limited by the act of incorporation.”2. The method of making one document of any kind become a part of another separate document by referring to the former in the latter, and declaring that the former shall be taken and considered as a part of the latter the same as if were fully set out therein. This is more fully described as “incorporation by reference.” If the one document is copied at length in the other, it is called “actual incorporation.”3. In the. civil law. The union of one domain to another.”

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