In another place. In alta proditione nullus potest esse accessorius sed principalis solummodo. 8 Inst. 138. In high treason no one can be an accessary but only principal. In alternativis electio est debitoris. In alternatives the debtor has the election. In ambigua voce legis ea potius accipienda est significatio quae vitio caret; praesertim cum etiam voluntas legis ex hoc colligi possit. In an ambiguous expression of law, that signification is to be preferred which is consonant with equity, especially when the spirit of the law can be collected from it. Dig. 1, 8, 19; Broom, Max. 576. In ambiguis casibus sempter praesumitur pro rege. In doubtful cases the presumption is always in favor of the king. In ambiguis orationibus maxime sententia spectanda est ejus qui eas protulisset. In ambiguous expressions, the intention of the person using them is chiefly to be regarded. In Anglia non est interregnum. In England there is no interregnum. Jenk. Cent 205; Broom, Max. 50.