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As used in legal phrases, this word means attributed vicariously; that is, an act, fact, or quality is said to be “imputed” to a person when it is ascribed or charged to him, not because he is personally cognizant of it or responsible for it, but because another person is, over whom he has control or for whose acts or knowledge he is responsible. Imputed knowledge. This phrase is sometimes used as equivalent to “implied notice,” , i.e. knowledge attributed or charged to a person (often contrary to the fact) because the facts in question were open to his discovery and It was his duty to inform himself as to them. See Roche v. Llewellyn Iron Works Co., 140 OaL 603, 74 Pac. 147. Imputed notice. Information as to a given fact or circumstance charged or attributed to a person, and affecting his rights or conduct, on the ground that actual notice was given to some person whose duty was to report it to the person to be affected, as, his agent or his attorney of record. Imputed negligence. Negligence which is not directly attributable to the person himself, but which is the negligence of a person who is in privity with him, and with whose fault he is chargeable. Smith v. Railroad Co., 4 App. Div. 403, 38 N. Y. Supp. 606.

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