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L. Lat. Homage, (q. v.. Homagium ligium. Liege homage; that kind of homage which was due to the sovereign alone as supreme lord, and which was done without any saving or exception of the rights of other lords. Spelman. So called from ligando, (binding,) because it could not be renounced like other kinds of homage. Homagium planum. In feudal law. Plain homage: a species of homage which bound him who did it to nothing more than fidelity, without any obligation either of military service or attendance in the courts of his superior. 1 Robertson’s Car. V., Appendix, note 8. Homagium reddare. To renounce homage. This was when a vassal made a solemn declaration of disowning and defying his lord; for which there was a set form and method prescribed by the feudal laws. Bract. 1. 2, c. 35, f 35. Homaginm simplex. In feudal law. Simple homage; that kind of homage which was merely an acknowledgment of tenure, with a saving of the rights of other lords. Harg. Co. Litt note 18, lib. 2.
Horn agio m, non per proenratores nee pea llterae neri potnit, sed in propria persona tarn domini quam tcnentls cap! debet ot neri. Co. Litt. 08. Homage cannot be done by proxy, nor by letters, but must be paid and received in the proper person, as well of the lord as the tenant.

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