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That which is the subject of inheritance. Hereditary disease. One transmitted or transmissible from parent to child in consequence of the infection of the former or the presence of the disease in his system, and without exposure of the latter to any fresh source of infection or contagion. Hereditary right to the crown. The crown of England, by the positive constitution of the kingdom, has ever been descendible, and so continues, in a course peculiar to itself, yet subject to limitation by parliament; but, notwithstanding such limitation, the crown retains its descendible quality, and becomes hereditary in the prince to whom it is limited. 1 Bl. Comm. 191. Hereditary succession. Inheritance by law ; title by descent; the title whereby a person, on the death of his ancestor, acquires his estate as his heir at law. Barclay v. Cameron, 25 Tex. 241; In re Donahue’s Estate, 36 Cal. 332.

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