In Saxon law. A tax or tribute Spelman.
A fine, mulct, or amerciament; a satisfaction or compensation for an injury.
A fraternity, society, or company of persons combined together, under certain regulations, and with the king’s license, and so called because its expenses were defrayed by the contributions (geld, gild) of its members. Spelman. In other words, a corporation; called, in Latin, “socictas,” “collegium” “fratria,” “fraternitas.” “sodalitium,” “adunatio;” and, in foreign law, “gildonia.” Spelman. There were various kinds of these gilds, as merchant or commercial gilds, religious gilds, and others. 3 Turn. Anglo Sax. 98; 3 Steph. Comm. 173, note a. See GILD A MERCATORIA.
A friborg, or decennary; called, by the Saxons, “gyldscipes” and its members, “gildones” and “congildones” Spelman. Gild-hall. See GUILDHALL. Gild-rent. Certain payments to the crown from any gild or fraternity.