In most of its uses in law, this term means additional, though occassionaly it may mean any, future, or other. See London & S. F. Bank v. Parrott, 125 Cal. 472, 58 Pac. 164, 73 Am. St. Rep. 64; Hltchings v. Van Brunt, 38 N. Y. 338; Fifty Associates v. Ilowland, 5 Cush. (Mass.) 218; O’Fallon v. Nicholson, 56 Mo. 238; Pennsylvania Co. v. Loughlin, 139 Pa. 612, 21 Atl. 163. Further advance. A second or subsequent loan of money to a mortgagor by a mortgagee, either upon the same security as the original loan was advanced upon, or an additional security. Equity considers the arrears of interest on a mortgage security converted into principal, by agreement between the parties, as a further advance. Wharton. Further assurance, covenant for. See COVENANT. Further consideration. In English practice, upon a motion for judgment or application for a new trial, the court may, if it shall be of opinion that it has not sufficient materials before it to enable it to give judgment, direct the motion to stand over for further consideration, and direct such issues or questions to be tried or determined, and such accounts and inquiries to be taken and made, as it may think fit Rules Sup. Ct. xl, 10. Further directions. When a master ordinary in chancery made a report in pursuance of a decree or decretal order, the cause was again set down before the judge who made the decree or order, to be proceeded with. Where a master made a separate report, or one not in pursuance of a decree or decretal order, a petition for consequential directions had to be presented, since the cause could not be set down for further directions under such circumstances. See 2 Daniel], Ch. Pr. (5th Ed.) 1233, note. Further hearing. In practice. Hearing at another time. Further maintenance of action, plea to. A plea grounded upon some fact or facts which have arisen since the commencement of the suit, and. which the defendant puts forward for the purpose of showing that the plaintiff should not further maintain his action. Brown.