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In Spanish law. A law; a code. A general usage or custom of a province, having the force of law. Strother v. Lucas, 12 Pet 446, 9 L. Ed. 1137. Ir contra fuero, to violate a received custom. A grant of privileges and immunities. Conceder fueros, to grant exemptions. A charter granted to a city or town. Also designated as “cartas pueblos.” An act of donation made to an individual, a church, or convent, on certain conditions. A declaration of a magistrate, in relation to taxation, fines, etc. A charter granted by the sovereign, or those having authority from him, establishing the franchises of towns, cities, etc. A place where justice is administered. A peculiar forum, before which a party is amenable.
The jurisdiction of a tribunal, which is entitled to take cognizance of a cause; as fuero ecclesiastico, fuero militar. See Schin. Civil Law, Introd. 64. Fuero de Castillo. The body of laws and customs which formerly governed the Castilians. Fuero do corroos y caminos. A special tribunal taking cognizance of all matters relating to the post-office and roads. Fuero de guerra. A special tribunal taking cognizance of all matters in relation to persons serving in the army. Fuero de marina. A special tribunal taking cognizance of all matters relating to the navy and to the persons employed therein. Fuero Jusgo. The Foru,n Judicium; a code of laws established in the seventh century for the Visigothic kingdom in Spain. Some of its principles and rules are found surviving in the modern jurisprudence of that country. Schm. Civil Law, Introd. 28. Fuero municipal The body of laws granted to a city or town for its government .and the administration of justice. Fuero Real. The title of a code of Spanish law promulgated by Alfhonso the Learned, (el Sabio.) A. D. 1255. t was the precursor of the Partidas. Schm. Civil Law, Introd. ,67. Fuero Viojo. The title of a compilation of Spanish law, published about A. D. 992. Schm. Civil Law, Introd. 65.

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