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Lat. A court of justice, or judicial tribunal; a place of jurisdiction ; a place where a remedy is sought; a place of litigation. 3 Story. 347.
In Roman law. The market place, or public paved court, in the city of Rome, where such public business was transacted as the assemblies of the people and the judicial trial of causes, and where also elections, markets, and the public exchange were held. Forum actus. The forum of the act. The forum of the place where the act was done which is now called in question. Forum conscientise. The forum or tribunal of conscience. Forum contontiosum. A contentious forum or court; a place of litigation; the ordinary court of justice, as distinguished from the tribunal of conscience. 3 Bl. Comm. 211. Forum contractus. The forum of the contract ; the court of the place where a contract is made; the place where a contract is made, considered as a place of jurisdiction. 2 Kent, Comm. 463. Forum domesticum. A domestic forum or tribunal. The visitatorial power is called a “forum domesticum” calculated to determine, sine strepitu, all disputes that arise within themselves. 1 W. Bl. 82. Forum domicilii. The forum or court of the domicile ; the domicile of a defendant, considered as a place of jurisdiction. 2 Kent, Comm. 463. Forum ecoleslastieum. An ecclesiastical court The spiritual jurisdiction, as distinguished from the secular. Forum liegeantis rei. The forum of defendant’s allegiance. The court or jurisdiction of the country to which he owes allegiance. Forum originis. The court of one’s nativity. The place of a person’s birth, considered as a place of jurisdiction. Forum regium. The king’s court St Westm 2. c. 43. Forum rei. This term may mean either (1) the forum of the defendant, that is, of his residence or domicile; or (2) the forum of the res or thing in controversy, that is, of the place where the property is situated. The ambiguity springs from the fact that rei may be the genitive of either reus or res. Forum res gestae. The forum or court of a res gesta, (thing done;) the place where an act is done, considered as a place of jurisdiction and remedy. 2 Kent, Comm. 463. Forum rei sitae. The court where the thing in controversy is situated. The place where the subject matter in controversy is situated, considered as a place of jurisdiction. 2 Kent, Comm. 463. Forum seculare. A secular, as distinguished from an ecclesiastical or spiritual, court.

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