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In the civil law. An overseer; an inspector. A municipal officer who had the charge and oversight of the bread and other provisions which served the citizens for their daily food. Vicat.
In medieval history. A bishop; a bishop of the Christian church. Episcopus puerorum. It was an old custom that upon certain feasts some lay person should plait his hair, and put on the garments of a bishop, and in them pretend to exercise episcopal jurisdiction, and do several ludicrous actions, for which reason he was called “bishop of the boys:” and this custom obtained in England long after several constitutions were made to abolish it Blount
Episcopus alterins mandato quam reals non tenetur obtemperare. Co. Litt 134. A bishop needs not obey any mandate save the king’s.
Episcopus teneat pladtnm, in curia chrlstlanitatis, do lis quss mere sunt spirltualia. 12 Coke, 44. A bishop may hold plea in a Court Christian of things merely spiritual.

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