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Ejection, or ejectment of farm. The name of a writ or action of trespass, which lay at common law where lands or tenements were let for a term of years, and afterwards the lessor, reversioner, remainderman, or any stranger ejected or ousted the lessee of his term, ferme, or farm, (ipsum a ftrma ejecit.) In this case the latter might have his writ of ejection, by which he recovered at first damages for the trespass only, but it was afterwards made a remedy to recover back the term Itself, or the remainder of it, with damages. Reg. Orig. 227b; Fitzh. Nat. Brev. 220, F, G; 3 Bl. Comm. 199; Litt I 322; Crabb, Eng. Law, 290, 448. It is the foundation of the modern action of ejectment.

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