Latin: While; as long as; until; upon condition that; provided tha. Dom bene se cesserit. While he shall conduct himself well; during good behavior. Expressive of a tenure of office not dependent upon the pleasure of the appointing power, nor for a limited period, but terminable only upon the death or misconduct of the incumbent. Dam ferret opus. While the work glows; in the heat of action. 1 Kent, Comm. 120. Dum fait la prisons In English law. A writ which lay for a man who had aliened lands under duress by imprisonment, to restore to him his proper estates. 2 Inst. 482. Abolished by St. 3 A 4 Wm. IV. c. 27. Dum fuit infra aetatem. (While he was within age.) In old English practice. A writ of entry which formerly lay for an infant after he had attained his full age, to recover lands which he had aliened in fee, in tail, or for life, during his infancy; and, after his death, his heir had the same remedy. Reg. Oris. 2286; Fitzh. Nat Brev. 192, G; Litt