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In old English practice. Distinctly and openly. Formal words in writs of error, referring to the return required to be made td them. Reg. Orig. 17.
Distinguenda sunt tempore. The time is to ‘be considered. 1 Coke, 16a; Bloss y. Tobey, 2 Pick. (Mass.) 327; Owens v. Missionary Society; 14 N. Y. 380, 393, 67 Am. Dec. 160.
Distingueuda 9nnt tempore; aliud est faeere, aliud perficere. Times must be distinguished; it is one thing to do, another to perfect 3 Leon. 243; Branch, Princ.
Distinguenda sunt tempore; distingue tempore et eoneordabis leges. Times are to be distinguished; distinguish times, and you will harmonize laws. 1 Coke, 24. A maxim applied to the construction of statutes.

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