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In ecclesiastical law. Tenths, or tithes. The tenth part of the annual profit of each living, payable formerly to the pope. There were several valuations made of these livings at different times. The decimal (tenths) were appropriated to the crown, and a new valuation established, by 26 Hen. VIII., c. 3. 1 Bl. Comm. 284. See TITHES.
Declines debentur paroeho. Tithes are due to the parish priest
Decimae de deeimatis solvi non debent.
Tithes are not to be paid from that which is given for tithes.
Decimse de jure divino et canonloa institutione pertinent ad personam. Dal. 50. Tithes belong to the parson by divine right and canonical institution.
Decimse nen debent solvi, ubi non est annua renovatio; et en annuatis renonantibus simul semel. Cro. Jac. 42. Tithes ought not to be paid where there is not an annual renovation, and from annual renovations once only.

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