(to whom in life.) A writ of entry for a widow against him to whom her husband aliened her lands or tenements in his lifetime; which must contain in it that during his life she could not withstand it Reg. Orig. 232; Fitah. Nat Brev. 193. Cui jurisdiclio data est, ea quoque concessit esse videntur, sine quibus juriadiclio expiicari non potest. To whomsoever a jurisdiction is given, those things also are supposed to be granted, without which the jurisdiction cannot be exercised. Dig. 2, 1, 2. The grant of jurisdiction implies the grant of all powers necessary to Its exercise. 1 Kent, Comm. 339. Cui Jus est donandi, eidem et vendendi et concedendi jus est. He who has the right of giving has also the right of selling and granting. Dig. 50, 17, 163. Cuilibet in arte sua perito est eredendum. Any person skilled In his peculiar art or profession is to be believed, [
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