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Latin: translation is body of law or a collection of laws.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

Body; the body; an aggregate or mass, (of men, laws, or articles;) physical substance, as distinguished from Intellectual conception; the principal sum or capital, as distinguished from interest or income, A substantial or positive fact, as distinguished from what is equivocal and ambiguous. The corpus delicti (body of an offense) is the fact of its having been actually committed. Best, Pres. 269-279. A corporeal act of any kind, (as distinguished from animus or mere intention,) on the part of him who wishes to acquire a thing, whereby he obtains the physical ability to exercise his power over It whenever he pleases. The word /occurs frequently in this sense in the civil law. Mackeld. Rom. Law, I 248. Corpus comitatus. The body of a county. The whole county, as distinguished from a part of it, or any particular place in it. U. S. v. Grosh, 5 Mason, 290, Fed. Cas. No. 15,268. Corpus oorporatum. A corporation; a corporate body, other than municipal. Corpus cum oausa. (The body with the cause.) An English writ which issued out of chancery, to remove both the body and the record, touching the cause of any man lying in execution upon a judgment for debt, into the king’s bench, there to remain until he satisfied the judgment. Cowell; Blount. Corpus delicti. The body of a crime. The body (material substance) upon which a crime has been committed, e.g.t the corpse of a murdered man, the charred remains of a house, burned down. In a derivative sense, the substance or foundation of a crime; the substantial fact that a crime has been committed. People v. Dick, 37 Cal. 281; White State, 49 Ala. 347; Goldman, v. Com., 100 Va. 865, 42 S. E. 923; State v. Hand. 1 Marv. (Del.) 545, 41 Ati. 192; State v. Dickson, 78 Mo. 441. -Corpus pro oorpore. In old records. Body for body. A phrase expressing the liability of manucaptors. 8 How. State Tr. 110.

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