Against, confronting, opposite to; on the other hand; on the contrary. The word is used in many Latin phrases, as appears by the following titles. In the books of reports, contra, appended to the name of a judge or counsel, indicates that he held a view of the matter in argument contrary to that next before advanced. Also, after citation of cases in support of a position, contra is often prefixed to citations of cases opposed to it. Contra bonos mores. Against good morals. Contracts contra bonos mores are void. Contra formam oollationis. In old English law. A writ that issued where lands given in perpetual alms to lay houses of religion, or to an abbot and convent, or to the warden or master of an hospital and his convent, to find certain poor men with necessaries, and do divine service, etc., were alienated, to the disherison of the house and church. By means of this writ the donor or his heirs could recover the lands. Reg. Orig. 238: Fitzh. Nat. Brev. 210. Contra formam doni. Against the form of the grant. See FORMED ON. Contra formam feoffmenti. In old English law. A writ that lay for the heir of a tenant, enfeoffed of certain lands or tenements, by charter of feoffment from a lord to make certain services and suits to his court, who was afterwards distrained for more services than were mentioned in the charter. Reg. Orig. 176; Old Nat Brev. 162. Contra formam statnti. In criminal pleading. (Contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided.) The usual conclusion of every indictment, etc., brought for an offense created by statute. Contra Jus belli. Latin: Against the law of war. 1 Kent. Comm. 6. Contra jus commune. Against common right or law; contrary to the rule of the common law. Bract, fol. 486. Contra legem tome. Against the law of the land. Contra omnei gentes. Against all people. Formal words in old covenants of warranty. Fleta, lib. 3, c. 14, f 11. Contra pacom. Against the peace. A phrase used in the Latin forms of indictments, and also of actions for trespass, to signify that the offense alleged was committed against the public peace, i.e.t involved a breach of the peace. The full formula was contra pacem domini regis, against the peace of the lord the king. In modern pleading, in this country, the phrase “against the peace of the commonwealth” or “of the people” is used. Contra proferentem. Against the party who proffers or puts forward a thing. Contra tabula. In the civil law. Against the will, (testament.) Dig. 37, 4. Contra vadium et plagium. In old English law. Against gage and pledge. Bract fol. 15 b. Contra legem facit qui id facit quod lex prohibit; in fraudem vero qui, salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit. He does contrary to the law who does what the law prohibits; he acts in fraud of the law who, the letter of the law being inviolate, uses the law contrary to Its intention. Dig. 1, 3, 29. Contra negantem principia non est disputandum. There is no disputing against one who denies first principles. Co. Litt 343. Contra non valentem agere nulla currit prsescriptio. No prescription runs against a person unable to bring an action. Broom, Max. 903 Contra veritatem lex nunquam alquid permittit. The law never suffers anything contrary to truth. 2 Inst 252.