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It is clear or evident; it appears ; it is certain; there is no doubt Non constat, it does not appear. A certificate which the clerk of the pipe and auditors of the exchequer made, at the request of any person who Intended to plead or move in that court for the discharge of anything. The effect of it was the certifying what appears (constat) upon record, touching the matter in question. Wharton.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

English law. The name of a certificate, which the clerk of the pipe and auditors of the exchequer make at the request of any person who intends to plead or move in the court for the discharge of anything; and the effect of it is, the certifying what constat (appears) upon record touching the matter in question. 2. A constat is held to be superior to an ordinary certificate, because it contains nothing but what is on record. An exemplification under the great seal, of the enrolment of any letters-patent, is called a constat. Co. Litt. 225. Vide Exemplification; Inspeximus. 3. Whenever an officer gives a certificate that such a thing appears of record, it is called a constat; because the officer does not say that the fact is so, but it appears to be as he certifies. A certificate that it appears to the officer that a judgment has been entered, is insufficient.

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