The conveyance of an estate, or the communication of a right that one hath in or unto lands or tenements, to another that hath the possession thereof, or some other estate therein, whereby a voidable estate is made sure and unavoidable, or whereby a particular estate is increased or enlarged. Shep. Touch. 311; 2 Bl. Comm. 325. Conflrmatio oreseens. An enlarging confirmation ; one which enlarges a rightful estate. Shep. Touch. 811. Conflrmatio diminuens. A diminishing confirmation. A confirmation which tends and diminish and abridge the services whereby a tenant doth hold, operating as a release of part of the services. Shep. Touch. 311. Conflrmatio pernciena. A confirmation which makes valid a wrongful and defeasible title, or makes a conditional estate absolute. Shep. Touch. 311.