To compile is to copy from various authors into one work. Between a compilation and an abridgment there is a clear distinction. A compilation consists of selected extracts from different authors; an abridgment is a condensation of the views of one author. Story v. Holcombe, 4 McLean, 306, 814, Fed. Cas. No. 13,497. Compilation. A literary production, composed of the works of others and arranged in a methodical manner. Compiled statutes. A collection of the statutes existing and in force in a given state, all laws and parts of laws relating to each subject matter being brought together under one head, and the whole arranged systematically in one book, either under an alphabetical arrangement or some other plan of classification. Such a collection of statutes differs from a code in this, that none of the laws so compiled derives any new force or undergoes any modification in its relation to other statutes in pari materia from the fact of the compilation, while a code is a re-enactment of the whole body of the positive law and is to be read and interpreted as one entire and homogeneous whole. Railway Co. v. State, 104 Ga. 831, 81 S. E. 531; Black, Interp. Laws, p. 363.