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property. A term which includes all kinds of property, except the freehold or things which are parcel of it. It is a more extensive term than goods or effects. Debtors taken in execution, captives, apprentices, are accounted chattels. Chattels are personal or real. Personal, are such as belong immediately to the person of a man; chattels real, are such as either appertain not immediately to the person, but to something by way of dependency, as a box with the title deeds of lands; or such as are issuing out of some real estate, as a lease of lands, or term of years, which pass like personally to the executor of the owner.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

An article of personal property; any species of property not amounting to a freehold or fee in land. People v. Holbrook, 13 Johns. (N. Y.) 94; Hornblower v. Proud, 2 Barn. A Aid. 335; State v. Bartlett 55 Me. 211; State v. Brown, 9 Baxt (Tenn.) 54, 40 Am. Rep. 81. The name given to things which in law are deemed personal property. Chattels are divided into chattels real and chattels personal; chattels real being interests in land which devolve after the manner of personal estate, as leaseholds. As opposed to freeholds, they are regarded as personal estate. But, as being interests in real estate, they are called “chattels real,” to distinguish them from movables, which are called “chattels personal.” Mozley A Whitley. Chattels personal are movables only; chattels real are such as savor only of the realty. Putnam v. Westcott, 19 Johns. (N. Y.) 73; Hawkins v. Trust Co. (C. C.) 79 Fed. 50; Insurance Co. v. Haven, 95 U. S. 251. 24 L. EM. 473; Knapp v. Jones, 143 111. 375, 32 N. E. 382. The term “chattels” is a more comprehensive one than “goods,” as it includes animate as well as inanimate property. 2 Chit. Bl. Comm. 383. note. In a devise, however, they seem to be of the same import Shep. Touch. 447; 2 Fonbl. Eq. 335. Chattel interest. An interest in corporeal hereditaments less than a freehold. 2 Kent, Comm. 342. Personal chattels. Things movable which may be annexed to or attendant on the person of the owner, and carried about with him from ono part of the world to another. 2 BL Comm. 387. Real chattels. Such as concern, or savor of, the realty, such as leasehold estates; interests issuing out of, or annexed to, real estate; such chattel interests as devolve after the manner of realty. 2 Bl. Comm. 386.

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