(A) contracts. Yielding up; release. 2. France ceded Louisiana to the United States, by the treaty of Paris, of April 30, 1803 Spain made a cession of East and West Florida, by the treaty of February 22, 1819. Cessions have been severally made of a part of their territory, by New York, Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut) South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. (B) eccl. law. When an ecclesiastic is created bishop, or when a parson takes another benefice, without dispensation, the first benefice becomes void by a legal cession, or surrender. (C) civil law. The, act by which a party assigns or transfers property to a other; an assignment.
Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition
The act of ceding; a yielding or giving up; surrender; relinquishment of property or rights. In the. civil law. An assignment The act by which a party transfers property to another. The surrender or assignment of property for the benefit of one’s creditors. In ecclesiastical law. A giving up or vacating a benefice, by accepting another without a proper dispensation. 1 Bl. Comm. 392; Latch. 234. In public law. The assignment, transfer, or yielding up of territory by one state or government to another.