The Zubulake Factors are used by a court to determine whether cost shifting is appropriate to shift the burden of costs of compliance with an electronic discovery request from the receiving party to the requesting party. (See Federal Rule 26(b)(2) more specifically.) The factors are the product of a series of decisions in Zubulake v. UBS Warburg LLC, 216 F.R.D. 280 (S.D.N.Y. … [Read more...]
Sc. Year. "Zeir and day." Bell. … [Read more...]
In Hindu law. Landkeeper. An officer who under the Mohammedan government was charged with the financial superintendence of the lands of a district, the protection of the cultivators, and the realization of the government's share of its produce, either in money or kind. Wharton. … [Read more...]
Proceeding by inquiry. Enc. Lond. … [Read more...]
Rogues and vagabonds in the middle ages; from Zigi, now Circassla. … [Read more...]