English law. A writ directed to the sheriff (either generally, when any man is imprisoned for a bailable offence, and bail has been refused; or specially, when the offence or cause of commitment is not properly bailable below) commanding him to take sureties for the prisoner's appearance, commonly called mainpernors, and to set him at large. … [Read more...]
This was a writ which lay for one who had the right of property, against another who had the right of possession and the actual occupation. The writ properly lay only to recover corporeal hereditaments for an estate in fee simple; but there were other writs, said to be "in the nature of a writ of right," available for the recovery of Incorporeal hereditaments or of lands for a … [Read more...]
Latin for we command. It is a write issued by a superior court compelling a government official or a lower court to perform mandatory or ministerial duties in a correct and proper fashion. … [Read more...]
The name of a writ issued in England against a commoner who has a second time surcharged the common. … [Read more...]
The name of an ancient writ, which lies when: the lord paramount distrains on the tenant paravail; the latter shall have a writ of mesne against the lord who is mesne. Breve' de medio, old English law. A writ which was so called, by reason of the words used in the writ, namely, Unde idem A qui medius est inter C et praefatum B; that is, A, who is mesne between C, the lord … [Read more...]