The name of an ancient writ in the English law, which lies where a man becomes pledge or surety for another to pay a certain sum of money at a certain day; after the day, if the debtor does not pay the debt, and the. surety be compelled to pay, he shall have this writ to compel the debtor to pay the same. F. N. B. 321. … [Read more...]
practice. A writ which lies for a widow claiming the specific recovery of her dower, no part having been yet assigned to her. It is usually called a writ of dower unde nihil habet. 3 Chit. Pl. 393; Booth, 166. 2. There is another species, called a writ of right of dower, which applies to the particular case where the widow has received a part of her dower from the tenant … [Read more...]
A writ which lay for a widow, against the executor of her deceased husband, to compel the executor to set off to her a third part of the decedent's personalty, after payment of his debts. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 122, L. … [Read more...]
practice. The name of a process issued by a party claiming land or other real estate, against one who is alleged to be unlawfully in possession. Vide Ejectment. … [Read more...]
The name of a writ which lies properly when two men have lands in several towns or hamlets, so that the one is seised of the land in one town or hamlet, and the other, of the other town or hamlet by himself; and they do not know the bounds of the town or hamlet, nor of their respective lands. This writ lies by one, against the other, and the object of it is to fix the … [Read more...]