In old English law. The fault or mistake of a writer or copyist; a clerical error. Gilb. Forum Rom. 185. … [Read more...]
An indorsement made on a passport by the proper authorities, denoting that it has been examined, and that the person who bears it is permitted to proceed on bin journey. Webster. … [Read more...]
(Latin) In the civil law. A step-father; a mother's second husband. Calvin. … [Read more...]
In international law. The right of visit or visitation is the right of a cruiser or warship to stop a vessel sailing under another flag on the high seas and send an officer to such vessel to ascertain whether her nationality is what it purports to be. It is exercisable only when suspicious circumstances attend the vessel to be visited; as when she is suspected of a piratical … [Read more...]
The act of examining into the affairs of a corporation. 2. The power of visitation is applicable only to ecclesiastical and eleemosynary corporations. Family Law: The right that a parent, grandparent or other family member or guardian of a child may possess to visit a child who does not live with that person, whereby the person does not have physical custody of the child. … [Read more...]