A statute that is so unclear or vague that the average person could not reasonably understand or appreciate its meaning and application makes the statute void on its face. A criminal statute that is vague is unconstitutional since one cannot adhere to the requirements of a law that one could not reasonably understand. … [Read more...]
(Latin) Cattle, which obtained this name from being received during the Saxon period as money upon most occasions, at certain regulated prices. Cowell. … [Read more...]
A document, statute or other item which is so clearly erroneous or unconstitutional that it is clear that it must not be valid and is void. … [Read more...]
Living voice; verbally. It is said a witness delivers his evidence viva voce, when he does so in open court; the term is opposed to deposition. It is sometimes opposed to ballot; as, the people vote by ballot, but their representatives in the legislature, vote viva voce. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition (Latin). With the living voice; by word of mouth. As applied … [Read more...]
That which has some force or effect, but which, in consequence of some inherent quality, may be legally annulled or avoided. 2. As a familiar example, may be mentioned the case of a contract, made by an infant with an adult, which maybe avoided or confirmed by the former on his coining of age. Vide Parties, contracts. 3. Such contracts are generally of binding force until … [Read more...]