An act of holding or retaining possession of property (typically real property) without a legal right to do so. The word "Detain" means to prevent from proceeding or to hold back someone or something - such as when police "detain" someone. The term "unlawful detainer" is most commonly used to refer to the act of a tenant who is in possession of real property (such as living in … [Read more...]
In the civil law The name of a species of interdict for retaining a thing, granted for the purpose of protecting the possession of a movable thing, as the uti possidetis was granted for an Immovable. Inst. 4, 15, 4; Mackeld. Rom. Law, 260 In Scotch law. An interdict as to movables, by which the colorable possession of a bona fide holder is continued until the final settlement … [Read more...]
Both of us. Words used formerly in bonds. … [Read more...]
crim. law. To offer, to publish. 2. To utter and publish a counterfeit note is to assert and declare, directly or indirectly, by words or actions, that the note offered is good. It is not necessary that it should be passed in order to complete the offence of uttering. It seems that reading out a document, although the party refuses to show it, is a sufficient uttering. The … [Read more...]
In English law. The bar at which those barristers, usually junior men, practice who have not yet been raised to the dignity of king's counsel. These junior barristers are said to plead without the bar; while those of the higher rank are admitted to seats within the bar, and address the court or a jury from a place reserved for them, and divided off by a bar. Brown. … [Read more...]