An act of holding or retaining possession of property (typically real property) without a legal right to do so. The word "Detain" means to prevent from proceeding or to hold back someone or something - such as when police "detain" someone. The term "unlawful detainer" is most commonly used to refer to the act of a tenant who is in possession of real property (such as living in … [Read more...]
Latin: In the civil law. A wife; a woman lawfully married. Et uxor. And his wife. A term used in indexing, abstracting, and describing conveyances made by a man and his wife as grantors, or to a man and his wife as grantees. Often abbreviated "et ux." Thus, "John Doe et ux. to Richard Roe."Jure uxoris. In right of bis wife. A term used of a husband who joins in a deed, is … [Read more...]
This phrase, which means as you possess, is used in international law to signify that the parties to a treaty are to retain possession of what they have acquired by force during the war. … [Read more...]
The killing of a wife by her husband; one who murders his wife. Not a technical term of the law. … [Read more...]
Lat. In Roman law. The form of words by which a vote in favor of a proposed law was orally expressed. JJti togas, volo vel jubeo, as you ask, I will or order; I vote as you propose; I am for the law. The letters "U. R." on a ballot expressed the same sentiment. Adams, Rom. Ant. 98, 100. Utile per inutile non vitiatur. The useful is not vitiated by the useless. Surplusage does … [Read more...]