Scotch law. Juratory caution is that which a suspender swears is the best he can offer in order to obtain a suspension. Where the suspender cannot, from his low or suspected circumstances, procure unquestionable security, juratory caution is admitted. … [Read more...]
Lat. In the civil law. An action of tutelage; an action which lay for a ward or pupil, on the termination of tutelage, against the tutor or guardian, to compel an account Calvin. … [Read more...]
Latin: In the civil law. A multitude ; a crowd or mob; a tumultuous assembly of persons. Said to consist of ten or fifteen, at the least. Calvin. … [Read more...]
Turbary, or common of turbary, is the right or liberty of digging turf upon another man's ground Brown. … [Read more...]
When a an accused person or a convicted criminal agrees to testify as a witness for the state against his associates or accomplices. … [Read more...]