The name given to one who is rightly a guardian in socage in contradistinction, to a tutor alienus. … [Read more...]
Arbitrary or despotic goveminent; the severe and autocratic exercise of sovereign power, either vested constitutionally in one ruler, or usurped by him by breaking down the division and distribution of governmental powers. … [Read more...]
The office and power of a tutor. Tutorship by nature. After the dissolution of marriage by the death of either husband or wife, the tutorship of minor children belongs of right to the surviving mother or father. This is what is called "tutorship by nature." Civ. Code La. art 250. Tutorship by will. The right of appointing a tutor, whether a relation or a stranger, belongs … [Read more...]
government. The chief magistrate of the state, whether legitimate or otherwise, who violates the constitution to act arbitrarily contrary to justice. Toull. tit. prel. n. 32. 2. The term tyrant and usurper, are sometimes used as synonymous, because usurpers are almost always tyrants; usurpation is itself a tyrannical act, but properly speaking, the words usurper and tyrant … [Read more...]
A woman who is appointed to the office of a tutor. … [Read more...]