In old English law. A violation of law. Also trespass; the action of trespass. Transgressio est cum modus non serva-tur nee mensura, debit enim quilibet in suo faeto modum habere et mensuram. Co. Litt. 37. Transgression is when neither mode nor measure is preserved, for every one in his act ought to have a mode and measure. … [Read more...]
A fact by mean of which a right is transferred or passes from one person to another; one, that is, which fulfills the double function of terminating the right of one person tp an object, and of originating the right of another to it. … [Read more...]
The violation of a law. … [Read more...]
One who translates from one language to another. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A writ or action of trespass. Transgressione multiplicata, crescat poense inflictio. When transgression is multiplied, let the Infliction of punishment be increased. 2 Inst 479. … [Read more...]