The removal of goods or persons from one place to another, by a carrier. In criminal law. A species of punishment consisting in removing the criminal from his own country to another, (usually a penal colony,) there to remain in exile for a prescribed period. … [Read more...]
See Causa Mortis or Gift Causa Mortis. Recovery of health will void gifts that are made in contemplation of one's death. … [Read more...]
Eng. law. A warrant for the custom-house to let goods pass: a permit. See, for a form of a transire. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition (verb) - Latin: To go, or pass over; to pass from one thing, person, or place to another.(noun) - In English law. A warrant or permit for the custom-house to let goods pass. Transit in rem judieatam. It passes into a matter adjudged; … [Read more...]
In Scotch law, an action of transumpt is an action competent to any one having a partial Interest in a writing, or immediate use for it, to support his title or defenses in other actions. It is directed against the custodier of the writing calling upon him to exhibit it In order that a transumpt, ie: a copy, may be judicially made and delivered to the pursuer. … [Read more...]
The change of venue, usually referring to the transfer of a case from a state to a federal court. … [Read more...]