In Saxon law. A guest on the second night. By the laws of Edward the Confessor it was provided that a man who lodged at an inn, or at the house of another, should be considered, on the flrst night of his being there, a stranger, (uncuth;) on the second night, a guest; on the third night, a member of the family. This had reference to the responsibility of the. host or … [Read more...]
A mount or hill. Cowell … [Read more...]
The highest rank of men in the Saxon government, who were valued at 1200s. If any injury were done to such persons, satisfaction was to be made according to their worth. Cowell. … [Read more...]
Tithe, or tenth part. … [Read more...]
The earliest statute or code of Roman law, framed by a commission of ten men, B. C. 450, upon the return of a commission of three who had been sent abroad to study foreign laws and institutions. The Twelve Tables consisted partly of laws transcribed from the Institutions of other nations, partly of such as were altered and accommodated to the manners of the Romans, partly of … [Read more...]