In Saxon law. An accusation, impeachment, or charge of any offense. … [Read more...]
TYHTLAN Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In Saxon law. An accusation, impeachment, or charge of any offense. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In French law. A kind of guardian. Tuteur ofificieux. A person over fifty years of age may be appointed a tutor of this sort to a child over fifteen years of age, with the consent of the parents of such child, or, in their default, the conseil de famille. The duties which such a tutor becomes subject to are analogous to those in English law of a person who puts himself in loco … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Brit A tribe or family branching or Issuing out of another: Cowell. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In the civil law. This term corresponds nearly to "guardian," (i.e., a person appointed to have the care of the person of a minor and the administration of his estate,) except that the guardian of a minor who. has passed a certain age is called ''curator," and has powers and duties differing somewhat from those of a tutor. By the laws of Louisiana, minors under the age of … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In old English Law, a tumbrel, castlgatory, or ducking stool, anciently used as an instrument of punishment for common scolds. … [Read more...]