In English law. A society at Deptford Strond, Incorporated by Hen. VIII. In 1515, for the promotion of commerce and navigation by licensing and regulating pilots, and ordering and erecting beacons, light-houses, buoys, etc. Wharton. … [Read more...]
A list of cases marked down for trial for any one term. … [Read more...]
Elder brethren of the Trinity House. If a question arising in an admiralty action depends upon technical skill and experience in navigation. The judge or court is usually assisted at the hearing by two Trinity Masters, who sit as assessors, and advise the court on questions of a nautical character. Williams & B. Adm. Jur. 271; Sweet. … [Read more...]
Lat. In the civil law. To give; to distribute. … [Read more...]
Sittings of the English court of appeal and of the high court of justice in London and Middlesex, commencing on the Tuesday after Whitsun week, and terminating on the 8th of August … [Read more...]