A payment to the lords of the wood on the Wealds of Kent, who used to visit those places in summer, when their under-tenants were bound to prepare little summer-houses for their reception, or else pay a composition in money. Cowell. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A small brook or stream of water. Cowell … [Read more...]
practice. The act of making a speech before a court and jury, after all the evidence has been heard, in favor of one of the parties in the cause, is called summing up. When the judge delivers his charge to the jury, he is also said to sum up the evidence in the case. 2. In summing up, the judge should, with much precision and clearness, state the issues joined between the … [Read more...]
In old English law. A plow land. 1 Inst 5. … [Read more...]
practice. The act by which a defendant is notified by a competent officer, that an action has been instituted against him, and that he is required to answer to it at a time and place named. This is done either by giving the defendant a copy of the summons, or leaving it at his house; or by reading the summons to him. … [Read more...]