Supreme Court Review … [Read more...]
Lat. In Roman law. Household furniture. Dig. 33, 10. … [Read more...]
Officers who assisted in collecting the revenues by citing the defaulters therein into the court of exchequer. … [Read more...]
Lat. Upon; above; over. Super altum mare. On the high sea. Hob. 212; 2 Ld. Raym. 1453. Super praero-gativa regis. A writ which formerly lay against the king's tenant's widow for marrying without the royal license. Fitzh. Nat. Brev. 174. Super statuto. A writ upon the statute 1 Edw. III. c. 12, that lay against the king's tenant holding in chief, who aliened the king's land … [Read more...]
(A) practice. The name of a writ commanding the sheriff, or other authorized officer, to notify a party to appear in court to answer a complaint made against him and in the said writ specified, on a day therein mentioned. (B) The official notice, prepared by a plaintiff and issued by a court, informing the defendant that he or she is being sued and is required to appear in … [Read more...]