Lat. In ecclesiastical law. Wood of any kind which was kept on purpose to be cut, and which, being cut, grew again from the stump or root. Lynd. Prov. 190; 4 Reeve, Eng. Law, 90. … [Read more...]
A sign; a token; a representation of one thing by another. 2. A symbolical delivery is equivalent, in many cases, in its legal effects, to actual delivery; as, for example, the delivery of the keys of a warehouse in which goods are deposited, is a delivery sufficient to transfer the property. … [Read more...]
The art or cunning rightly to form and make written instruments. It is either judicial or extrajudicial; the latter being wholly occupied with such Instruments as concern matters not yet judicially in controversy, such as instruments of agreements or contracts, and testaments or last wills. Wharton. … [Read more...]
The constructive delivery of the subject matter of a sale, where It is cumbersome or inaccessible, by the actual delivery of some article which la conventionally accepted as the symbol or representative of it, or which renders access to it possible, or which is evidence of the purchaser's title to it. … [Read more...]
Latin: A mortuary, or soul-scot … [Read more...]