In English law. All bills which relate to the public income or expenditure must originate with the house of commons, and all bills authorizing expenditure of the public money are based upon resolutions moved in a committee of supply, which is always a committee of the whole house. Wharton. … [Read more...]
The right of support is an easement which one man, either by contract or prescription, enjoys, to rest the joists or timbers of his house upon the wall of an adjoining building, owned by another person. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition (verb) - To support a rule or order is to argue in answer to the arguments of the party who has shown cause against a rule or … [Read more...]
To prevent facts, information or other data from being disclosed. … [Read more...]
Concealment of truth. 2. In general a suppression of the truth, when a party is bound to disclose it, vitiates a contract. In the contract of insurance a knowledge of the facts is required to enable the underwriter to calculate the chances and form a due estimate of the risk; and, in this contract perhaps more than any other, the parties are required to represent every thing … [Read more...]
Latin, meaning A suppression of truth is equivalent to an expression of falsehood. … [Read more...]