The person to whom a surrender is made. … [Read more...]
One who survives another; one who outlives another; one of two or more persons who lives after the death of the other or others. The longest liver of two or more persons. 2. In crises of partnership, the surviving partner is entitled to have all the effects of the partnership, and, is bound to pay all the debts owing by the firm. He is, however, bound to account for the surplus … [Read more...]
med. jur. That part of the healing art which relates to external diseases; their treatment; and, specially, to the manual operations adopted for their cure. 2. Every lawyer should have some acquaintance with surgery; his knowledge on this subject will be found useful in cases of homicide and wounds. … [Read more...]
Formerly where a defendant pleaded a local custom, for instance, a cus: torn of the city of London, it was necessary for him to "surmise," that is, to suggest that such custom should be certified to the court by the mouth of the recorder, and without such a surmise the issue was to be tried by the country as other issues of fact are. 1 Burrows, 251; Vin. Abr. 246. A surmise is … [Read more...]
A name which is added to the Christian name, and which, in modern times, have become family names. 2. They are called surnames, because originally they were written over the name in judicial writings and contracts. They were and are still used for the purpose of distinguishing persons of the same name. They were taken from something attached to the persons assuming them, as … [Read more...]