Latin: In old conveyancing. To render up; to surrender. … [Read more...]
Latin: A surrender. … [Read more...]
An additional tax; a tax that is added to and on top of tax already charged or imposed. … [Read more...]
Observing the actions of a person either with their knowledge (overt) or without their knowledge (covert.) To tail is a slang term to denote surveillance of a person who is moving. In some instances, surveillance may rise to a breach of right to privacy law. … [Read more...]
The act by which the quantity of a piece of land is ascertained; the paper containing a statement of the courses, distances, and quantity of land, is also called a survey. 2. A survey made by authority of law and duly returned into the land office, is a matter of record, and of equal dignity with the patent. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition The process by which a … [Read more...]