A suspect classification under constitutional law where discrimination against its members is unlawful and subject to a discrimination lawsuit. Suspect classifications include race, color, creed and national origin amongst others, some of which may be quasi-suspect classifications. … [Read more...]
1. To delay or postpone. 2. To stop one from participating or enjoying a privilege for a period of time. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition To interrupt; to cause to cease for a time; to stay, delay, or hinder; to discontinue temporarily, but with an expectation or purpose of resumption. To for: bid a public officer, attorney, or ecclesiastical person from performing … [Read more...]
Latin: In old conveyancing. To render up; to surrender. … [Read more...]
Latin: A surrender. … [Read more...]
An additional tax; a tax that is added to and on top of tax already charged or imposed. … [Read more...]