See CONDITION … [Read more...]
A belief to the disadvantage of another, accompanied by a doubt. 2. Without proof, suspicion, of itself, is evidence of nothing. When a crime has been committed, an arrest may be made when, 1st. There are such circumstances as induce a strong presumption of guilt; as being found in possession of goods recently stolen, without giving a probable account of having obtained the … [Read more...]
One to whom a surrender has been made. SURRENDEROR. One who makes a surren der; as when the tenant gives up the estate and cancels his lease before the expiration of the term; one who yields up a freehold estate for the purpose of conveying it. … [Read more...]
Where a couple has created an AB trust, the revocable living trust (Trust B) of the surviving spouse, after the first spouse has died. … [Read more...]
The person to whom a surrender is made. … [Read more...]