Latin: In the civil law. Those descendants who were under the power of the deceased at the time of his death, and who are most nearly related to him. Calvin. … [Read more...]
A suspect classification under constitutional law where discrimination against its members is unlawful and subject to a discrimination lawsuit. Suspect classifications include race, color, creed and national origin amongst others, some of which may be quasi-suspect classifications. … [Read more...]
1. To delay or postpone. 2. To stop one from participating or enjoying a privilege for a period of time. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition To interrupt; to cause to cease for a time; to stay, delay, or hinder; to discontinue temporarily, but with an expectation or purpose of resumption. To for: bid a public officer, attorney, or ecclesiastical person from performing … [Read more...]
A sentence which is not imposed at the time judgment is rendered, usually alternative sentencing where a probationary period is given whereupon successful completion will result in a dismissal of the charges. When a criminal sentence is not imposed and is delayed indefinitely, subject to the defendant's meeting the qualifications for the favorable treatment, e.g. making full … [Read more...]
Scotch law. He in whose favor a suspension is made. 2. In general a suspender is required to give caution to pay the debt in the event it shall be found due. Where the suspender cannot, from his low or suspected circumstances, procure unquestionable security, the lords admit juratory caution; but the reasons of suspension are in that case, to be considered with particular … [Read more...]