Engl. law. The court within the forest to which all the freeholders owe suit and service. … [Read more...]
See LAND. … [Read more...]
A belief to the disadvantage of another, accompanied by a doubt. 2. Without proof, suspicion, of itself, is evidence of nothing. When a crime has been committed, an arrest may be made when, 1st. There are such circumstances as induce a strong presumption of guilt; as being found in possession of goods recently stolen, without giving a probable account of having obtained the … [Read more...]
In the criminal laws of some of the states, a person who is known or strongly suspected to be an habitual criminal, or against whom there is reasonable cause to believe that he has committed a crime or is planning or intending to commit one, or whose actions and behavior give good ground for suspicion and who can give no good account of himself, and who may therefore be … [Read more...]
Where a judge agrees or rules in favor of a party in court. For example, where counsel makes an objection to the testimony of a witnesses, clarifying the testimony as inadmissible hearsay to which the judge agrees and strikes the witness' statement from the record. … [Read more...]