Rules of law are general maxims, formed by the courts, who having observed what is common to many particular cases, announce this conformity by a maxim, which is called a rule; because in doubtful and unforeseen cases, it is a rule for their decision; it embraces particular cases within general principles. … [Read more...]
Of or pertaining to or proceeding from the king or sovereign in a monarchical government Royal assent. The royal assent is the last form through which a bill goes previously to becoming an act of parliament It is, in the words of Lord Hale, "the complement and perfection of a law." The royal assent is given either by the queen in person or by royal commission by the queen … [Read more...]
1756, comm. law, war. A rule relating to neutrals was the first rule practically, established in 1756, and universally promulgated, that neutrals are not to carry in times of war, a trade which was interdicted to them in times of peace. … [Read more...]
In diplomatic language by this term is understood the rights enjoyed by every empire or kingdom in Europe, by the pope, the grand duchies of Germany, and the Germanic, and Swiss confederations, to precedence over all others who do not enjoy the same rank, with the exclusive right of sending to other states public ministers of the first rank, as ambassadors, together with other … [Read more...]
An order made by the court, in a particular case, upon motion of one of the parties calling upon the other to appear at a particular time before the court, to show cause, if any he have, why a certain thing should not be done. 2. This rule is granted generally upon the oath or affirmation of the applicant; but upon the hearing, the evidence of competent witnesses must be given … [Read more...]