The possession by an individual of the qualities, properties, or circumstances, natural or adventitious, which are inherently or legally necessary to render him eligible to fill an office or to perform a public duty or function. Thus, the ownership of a freehold estate may be made the qualification of a voter; so the possession of a certain amount of stock in a corporation may … [Read more...]
Adapted; fitted; entitled; as an elector to vote. Applied to one who has taken the steps to prepare himself for an appointment or office, as by taking oath, giving bond, etc. Pub. St. Mass. p. 1294. Also limited; restricted; confined; modified ; imperfect, or temporary. The term is also applied in England to a person who is enabled to hold two benefices at once. Qualified … [Read more...]
Also known as a QDRO, this is a court order which uses pension or retirement benefits to pay alimony or child support or to divide marital property during a divorce. A special order is needed for compliance with federal law that governs retirement pay. … [Read more...]
Latin meaning The question is raised. … [Read more...]
An endorsement made on a negotiable instrument to pass right and title but subject to certain restrictions. … [Read more...]