torts, civil law. Those acts which, although not committed by the persons responsible for them, are by implication of law supposed to have been committed by their command, by other persons for whom they are answerable. They are also injuries which have been caused by one person to another, without any intention to hurt them. 2. Of the first class of quasi offences are the … [Read more...]
The act of a government in billeting or assigning soldiers to private houses, without the consent of the owners of such houses, and requiring such owners to supply them with board or lodging or both. … [Read more...]
Partners of lands, goods, or chattels, who are not actual partners, are sometimes so called. … [Read more...]
Quartering of criminals. … [Read more...]
civil law. One who, born during the life of his grand father, or other male ascendant, was not his heir at the time he made his testament, but who by the death of his father became his heir in his lifetime. Inst. 2, 13, 2; Dig. 28, 3, 13. … [Read more...]