Which note; which mark. A reporter's note in the old books, directing attention to a point or rule. Dyer, 23. Quod nullius esse potest id ut alieu-Jns floret nulla obligatio valet effleere. No agreement can avail to make that the property of any one which cannot be acquired as property. Dig. 50,17, 182. Quod nullius est. est domini regis. That which is the property of nobody … [Read more...]
In old Scotch law. A twentieth part of the movable estate of a person dying, which was due to the bishop of the diocese within which the person resided. Bell. … [Read more...]
That the parties do replead. The form of the judgment on award of a repleader. 2 Salk. 579. … [Read more...]
A proportional part or share, the proportional part of a demand or liability, falling upon each of those who are collectlvely responsible for the whole. … [Read more...]
That partition be made. The name of the judgment in a suit for partition, directing that a partition be effected. Quod pendet non est pro eo quasi sit. What is in suspense is considered as not existing during such suspense. Dig. 50, 17, 109, 1. Quod per me non possum, nee per alium. What I cannot do by myself, I cannot by another. 4 Coke, 24b; 11 Coke, 87a. Quod per reeordum … [Read more...]