A term used in the civil law. A quasi-contract is the act of a person, permitted by law, by which he obligates himself towards another, or by which another binds himself to him, without any agreement between them. 2. By article 2272 of the Civil Code of Louisiana, which is translated from article 1371 of the Code Civil, quasi-contracts are defined to be the lawful and purely … [Read more...]
Lat. In the civil law. A species of action allowed to a child who had been unjustly disinherited, to set aside the will, founded on the presumption of law, in such cases, that the parent was not In his right mind. Calvin.; 2 Kent, Comm. 327; Bell. … [Read more...]
Latin: It runs upon four feet; it runs upon all fours. See ALL-FOURS. … [Read more...]
Latin: A plaintiff; complainant; Inquirer. … [Read more...]
In Roman law. Magistrates who had the care and inspection of roads. Dig. 1, 2, 3, 30. … [Read more...]